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System requirements

Veritas CloudPoint Administrator's Guide

CloudPoint supports the following applications, operating systems, and storage platforms.

Table: Supported applications, operating systems, and storage platforms




Oracle 12c* single node; CloudPoint has been verified on Oracle 12c and Oracle 12cR1

Linux native file systems: ext2, ext3, ext4, and XFS

Operating system

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.x; CloudPoint has been verified on RHEL 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3

Cloud platforms

Amazon Web Services

Microsoft Azure

Google Cloud

Storage platforms

Hitachi Data Systems (HDS)


The host on which you install CloudPoint must meet the following requirements.

Table: Minimum system requirements

Host on which CloudPoint is installed


Amazon Web Services

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance type: t2.medium

vCPUs: 2

Memory (GB): 4 with a solid-state drive (SSD) for the root disk

Storage: 50 GB Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume with encryption for the snapshot asset database

Microsoft Azure

Virtual machine type: Standard_DS2_v2

CPU cores: 2

Memory (GB): 7 with an SSD for the root disk

Storage: 50 GB Premium SSD for the snapshot asset database

Google Cloud

Virtual machine type: Ubuntu 16.04 Server LTS instance

vCPUs: 2

Memory (GB): 7.5 with a standard persistent disk

Storage: 50 GB SSD persistent disk for the snapshot asset database

x86 physical host

Operating system: Ubuntu 16.04 Server LTS

CPUs: Single-socket, multi-core

Memory: 10 GB with an addition 50 GB for the snapshot asset database

The host on which you install CloudPoint must have enough free space to accommodate the following components.

Table: Space considerations for CloudPoint components


Space requirements

CloudPoint Docker container

< 1 GB

On-host agent and plug-ins

~ 20 MB